Net Carbs and Nutrients
Keto Nuts for a Healthy Lifestyle
Keto Nuts for a Healthy LifestyleCan you eat nuts on a Keto diet?Nuts are an excellent source of protein and next to...
Should Keto dieters use total or net carbs?
Should Keto dieters use "total" or "net" carbs?What are “carbohydrates”? Carbohydrates are one of the three major...
Is eating red meat bad? Here are the facts
{!{wpv-post-title}!}Is eating red meat bad? Here are the factsYou’ve heard it both ways, right?As recently as...
Potassium and Foods that are Potassium-Rich
Potassium - The Electrifying ElectrolytePotassium is one of many essential micro-nutrients that are required for...
Underlying Diet – A Confounding Variable
Many times, epidemiologists, who are statisticians, not micro-biologists or even dieticians, design studies that are...
Relative Risk – Making a Mountain out of Molehill
A few times a year we’re told by the journalists that some...