Keto Nuts for a Healthy Lifestyle

Can you eat nuts on a Keto diet?

Nuts are an excellent source of protein and next to dairy, the best source of calcium among all food groups. They are high in healthy monounsaturated fats and unlike most foods that are high in fat, like butter and olive oil, they are also high in fiber.

Almonds are so healthy that they made the #3 spot on our list of the 10 Healthiest Foods in the world and for those pursuing a vegan lifestyle, they are, along with avocados and olive oil essential parts of a vegan diet.

And almond flour forms the foundation for enabling keto and low-carb dieters to experience a fitting replacement for breads made with high-carb grains and an acceptable alternative to fruits for providing much-needed potassium.

But all nuts aren’t created equal. Some nuts, like cashews and pistachios, are high in carbohydrates and low in fiber compared to their nut siblings.

Based on net-carb content and nutrition these are the six nuts everyone should be attempting to include in their diet plan:

  1. Almonds
  2. Peanuts
  3. Brazilnuts
  4. Pecans
  5. Walnuts
  6. Pine nuts

Although we’ve included peanuts in this list, peanuts are technically legumes.

We note that peanuts have received some bad press in recent years due to the potential occurrence of fungal aflatoxins in peanut crops.

But the latest studies support the proposition that aflatoxins, except in regions where peanuts comprise a significant portion of the population’s diet and where aflatoxin occurrence is more prominent in local crops, pose no significant health risks. [ Lien KW 2019 – Taiwan ]

Dry-roasting and other methods of processing peanuts further reduce this already nominal risk. Bottom line, a sugar-laced soft drink and an automobile sojourn on a public highway is more likely to cause significant harm to your body.


** Learn how to use almond flour to make reduced-carb breads.

** Check out these healthy recipes utilizing the six nuts in our list.